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Neil F. Comins

Autor von "Discovering the Essential Universe", "Discovering the Universe" und "Astronomie" und weiteren Büchern.

Neil F. Comins is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Maine and author of popular scientific books, articles, and textbooks. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell and a Ph.D. in astrophysics from University College, Cardiff, Wales. He is the author of What If the Earth Had Two Moons?
William Kaufmann, one of the best-known popularizers of astronomy has left behind a legacy of nontechnical books through which students, amateurs, and the public learn about some of the most abstract and fascinating research topics of our day. 
Discovering the Essential Universe
Discovering the Essential Universe
erschienen am 19.03.2021
Discovering the Universe
Discovering the Universe
erschienen am 14.03.2014
erschienen am 13.10.2010
Der Schweif des Kometen
Der Schweif des Kometen
erschienen am 01.01.2004
Der Schweif des Kometen
Der Schweif des Kometen
erschienen am 02.05.2002