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Dr. Lanqin Zheng currently works as an assistant professor and supervisor for postgraduate at the School of Educational Technology in Beijing Normal University. She received her PhD from Beijing Normal University, China. Dr. Lanqin Zheng is also a postdoctoral fellow at Athabasca University, Canada. Her research interests include computer supported collaborative learning, learning analytics, smart learning environment, and instructional design.

Dr. Lanqin Zheng has published about 50 refereed journal papers, book, book chapters, and international conference papers. Now, she serves as an assistant editor of Smart Learning Environment journal. She also serves as program committee members of many international conferences, such as ICALT2015 and ICSLE2015, ICSLE2014, and so on. Before, she was scientific committee member of international workshop on learning analytics (IWLA 2013) and finical chair of ICALT2013. She was also organization committee secretary of many international conferences, such as TEL2011, CSCL Post-Conference 2011, summer school for doctor candidates in educational technology in 2011, ICHL2010, ADMA2009, WMUTE2008, CATE2007, ICCE2006, and GCCCE/NEIF2002.