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János Mayer

Autor von "Scheduling of Power Generation" und "Stochastic Linear Programming" und weiteren Büchern.

Prof. András Prékopa is a Professor at Rutgers University in the Department of Statistics.

Prof. János Mayer is a Professor at University of Zurich in the Department of Business Adminstration.

Prof. Beáta Strazicky is currently retired but was a Professor at Szent István University.

Prof. István Deák is a Professor at Corvinus University of Budapest in the Department of Computer Science.

János Hoffer works at Allianz Hungária Insurance Company in the IT Quality Assurance Section.

Ágoston Némethworks in Ex-Lh Ltd.

Béla Potecz is retired but previously worked for MAVIR Hungarian Independent Transmission Operator Company Ltd.

Scheduling of Power Generation  - A Large-Scale Mixed-Variable Model
Scheduling of Power Generation
erschienen am 10.09.2016
Scheduling of Power Generation  - A Large-Scale Mixed-Variable Model
Scheduling of Power Generation
erschienen am 19.09.2014
Stochastic Linear Programming  - Models, Theory, and Computation
Stochastic Linear Programming
erschienen am 27.12.2012
Stochastic Linear Programming
Stochastic Linear Programming
erschienen am 10.11.2010
Stochastic Linear Programming
Stochastic Linear Programming
erschienen am 28.10.2010
Stochastic Linear Programming
Stochastic Linear Programming
erschienen am 17.02.2005