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Tim Herzberg

Autor von "Darf´s ein Viertel mehr sein?", "A Quart more, please?" und "Halbe Sachen!" und weiteren Büchern.

Tim Herzberg: It's almost a miracle that Tim Herzberg is still alive, can walk, speak and is back at work as a designer. When he woke up on October 11, 2009 without any feeling in his left side he knew that something had gone terribly wrong with his brain. The MRI in the nearest hospital would later show that a major artery had burst. The result: Severe brain haemorrhage, a stroke. Through years of hard, strenuous therapy he fought his way back and now it's time for the next step. Literally.

Darf´s ein Viertel mehr sein?  - Mein dreimonatiges Abenteuer mit dem Bioness NESS L300
Darf´s ein Viertel mehr sein?
erschienen am 03.08.2018
A Quart more, please?  - My three months adventure with the Bioness NESS L300
A Quart more, please?
erschienen am 18.05.2018
Halbe Sachen!  - Erfahrungen eines Neuros
Halbe Sachen!
erschienen am 05.02.2014
Halftime  - Experiences of a neuro
erschienen am 05.02.2014