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Sam Tyano is Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Tel-Aviv University. He is also visiting Professor at Lille University, France. Author of more than 200 scientific articles in international scientific journals, and editor of three textbooks on psychiatry, child psychiatry and ADHD. His main scientific interests are suicidal adolescents, ADHD, infant psychiatry, personality disorders and PTSD. Miri Keren, also of Tel-Aviv University, is President of the World Association of Infant Mental Health. John Cox is apast President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. He was awarded the Marcé Medal in recognition of his distinguished contribution to the field of perinatal psychiatry and he served as President of the Marcé Society. Helen Herrman is Director, WHO Collaborating Centre in Mental Health., Melbourne; Secretary for Publications, World Psychiatric Association; Regional Vice-President Oceania, World Federation for Mental Health; and Vice-President of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Parenthood and Mental Health
Parenthood and Mental Health
erschienen am 13.04.2010
3-D Atlas of Stars and Galaxies
3-D Atlas of Stars and Galaxies
erschienen am 24.03.2000