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Glenn T. Seaborg

Autor von "Kernreaktionen III / Nuclear Reactions III" und "Modern Nuclear Chemistry" und weiteren Büchern.

WALTER D. LOVELAND, PhD, is a professor of chemistry at Oregon State University, USA. DAVID J. MORRISSEY, PhD, is a professor of chemistry and associate director of the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University, USA. GLENN T. SEABORG, PhD (deceased), was a professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, and cofounder and chairman of the Lawrence Hall of Science, USA. He is credited with discovering 10 new elements, including plutonium and one that now bears his name, seaborgium. In 1951, Dr. Seaborg and his colleague, Edwin McMillan, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research into transuranium elements.
Modern Nuclear Chemistry
Modern Nuclear Chemistry
erschienen am 21.04.2017
Modern Nuclear Chemistry
Modern Nuclear Chemistry
erschienen am 13.12.2005
Kernreaktionen III / Nuclear Reactions III
Kernreaktionen III / Nuclear Reactions III
erschienen am 28.08.1957